Sunday, April 26, 2009

I am reading Witches by Roald Dahl. Before I began reading I predicted that this book would be about a bunch of bad witches who went around casting mean spells on people. Will this book be similar to the other Roald Dahl books I've read? Will it take place in England like some of his other books? I hope to find these things out as I read.

When I read I found out that the witches only cast spells on kids. I also discovered that the book mostly takes place in Norway. The narrator of the story is a little boy. His parents are killed in a car accident, so he goes to live with his grandmother in Norway. She tells him stories about how witches carry children away. The little boy thinks his grandmother is making these stories up, and I did too. While I was reading I had trouble with the word barghest. I read around it and decided that a barghest is a bad, magical person. My mom and I looked for the word barghest in the dictionary, but it was not there. We looked it up on the internet, and it said that a barghest is "a monstrous dog with huge teeth and claws from the area around Yorkshire, northern England. It only appears at night."
(from Now I know what a barghest is. I'm looking forward to reading more of this book.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    Nice job. I like that you are trying to relate this book to other Roald Dahl books you've read. Many authors do write similar stories, but it sounds like this one is bit different. Do the main character and you still believe the stories are made up?

    Ms. Welker
