Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am reading To Walk The Sky Path by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. In my last reading Mush Jim went alligator wrestling and took Billie with him. Billie saw Jeff at the same place Mush Jim was wrestling alligators and Jeff asked Billie if he could go home with him. I wonder if Jeff will try to come over to Billie's or just walk home. I think Jeff will come over to Billie's chickee because he wants to see what it's like and because he wants to play with Billie. How will Sahoki react if Jeff comes to their camp? Will she yell at Billie for bringing Jeff if he does come? If there was someone in my house that I didn't know I would probably be mad just like Sahoki would be. I predict that Sahoki will not be too upset but will be disappointed with Billie.
When I read, I found out that Jeff did come over to Billie's camp and that Sahoki was mad but not for long. When I was reading I had trouble with the word warily. I asked my mom and she said that it meant cautiously.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    You are doing a fantastic job setting up your post. What I mean by that is you give me a lot of background knowledge that helps me understand the rest of your post. I am confused at when the questioning is happening. You should predict first, then read, then write the questions you asked while you were reading.

    Ms. Welker
