Sunday, March 29, 2009

I am reading To Walk The Sky Path by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. In my last reading Charlie,Billie and Jeff went frogging and Jeff fell into the swamp. The "Big one" (a large gator) started to attack Jeff. They barely got away. I wonder if Jeff will want to come back out to Billie's camp. I would want to come back to the camp but I wouldn't want to go frogging. Will Tiger and Mush Jim find the big one when they go out to look for her? Will Billie and Charlie going to go to Miami with Jeff?

When I did my reading this week, I found out that Jeff didn't come back soon. Instead, this chapter was about Billie's relationships with his family. He tried to borrow two library books to read with Charlie, but he was only supposed to check out one so he got in trouble. Mrs. Kelly gave Billie flash cards because the books he tried to check out were above Charlie's reading level. When Billie got home, he went over the flash cards with Charlie. A word I needed clarified was "intently". Mom says it means "firmly" or "seriously".

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