Sunday, May 24, 2009

I am reading The Witches by Roald Dahl. In my last reading, the little boy and his Grandmama moved from their house in Norway to the little boy's old house in England. The little boy and his new friend built a tree house together. Later that day, he met a suspicious lady with a green snake. He thought she was a witch. One of the questions that I had was, will the boy meet any more witches? I wouldn't want to meet a witch. One of the other questions that I had was, will the boy get to go back to Norway? I don't think he will. I wonder if the kids' grandmother will tell him more about witches. My prediction for this week's reading is that the boy's grandmama would plan something fun for them to do. I think that because his grandmama realized that the kid didn't want to leave Norway, so she planned something fun for both of them so he would be happy.

When I read, I found out that the boy's Grandmama did plan something fun, but it was canceled because she got pneumonia. I also found out that they didn't move back to Norway and the little boy did not meet any more witches (yet). Instead of going back to Norway for the summer, the boy and his Grandmama went to a fancy hotel in England, and the Grandmama gave her grandson two white mice to play with. That made the hotel manager very unhappy with them. As I was reading, I had trouble with the word corridor. I read around it and looked at the picture and thought it meant hallway. Mom said I was right.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,

    I think you did a lot more summarizing in this post than usual. Your questions are good FAT questions, but I would hope that you would be connecting more to your book by this point.

    Ms. Welker
