Sunday, May 31, 2009

There are several pros to using a Home Reading blog rather than a Home Reading worksheet. One advantage of using a home reading blog is that you have more time to complete it (Monday through Sunday, rather than Monday through Friday for a home reading sheet). Another advantage is that you get to communicate with other people in your class about your reading. Also, you get to practice your typing. These are all the pros that I can think of.

There are also several cons to using a Home Reading blog rather than a Home Reading worksheet. One disadvantage is that it only takes about ten minutes to fill out the home reading worksheet, but it takes me an hour or more to complete my work on the blog. Another disadvantage is that it takes an extra long time if you have slow (dial-up) internet, which is all that is available in our area. Also, the blog requires that you have a computer handy, while the home reading worksheets can be done anywhere (even in the car!). Finally, the blog drives my mom nuts because it puts me in a bad mood and she has to proof read my work, while I can be more independent on the home reading worksheets. These are my thoughts on blogging.

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